Home automation isn’t a new industry but still, it has experienced a slow development. It is hard to predict the Future of this industry but still, there is a chance as we all have a smartphone in our hand all the day long.
So Now Let Us Take A Look At The Future Of This Technology:
Smart Sensors Will Enable A Person To Control The Home As These Sense How A Person Feels By His/her Voice Modulation And Act Accordingly. These Also Sense the weather outside and suggest temperature be set in the home. One can open the door through face recognition.
This technology will send us alerts when we are travelling so that we can be free from the strife and enjoy our tour. If an unknown person enters our home when we are out of the station it will send an alert message to us along with police.
It also helps us in detecting water leakage, fire in our home so that we can act immediately.
In the future, we can also get to see machines which tell us the nutrient values of vegetables we put in the dish to cook after it is has been done.
If a person hacks our entire system then we will be sent an alert to us so that we can change our system setting and get it on right1 track from our side.
Television mirror i.e., a mirror which shows us important news, updates, etc., when it is put on television mode.
We can get the reminders of anything from any of our automated devices like T.V, smart shower beside our phone. Which help us in getting our work done on time.
Trash scanner that scans the what you throw out and add it to your shopping list automatically.
This is the future of smart home(s) in our knowledge but still, there can be so many changes to have occurred.